COVID-19: Information for guests
Our COVID-19 safety policy
Villa Sivakka is a bespoke cabin nested in the middle of nature with limited amount of guests yearly. We encounter no organised group visits and all of our visitors are independent travellers joining us through Airbnb. We are constantly monitoring the development of COVID-19 situation in Finland and around the world to do our part in preventing the spread of the virus. Our priority is the wellbeing and safety of our guests, family and cleaners. In these guidelines we outline what we are doing and what you can do to ensure this.
For updated information for travellers, please refer to Visit Finland COVID-19 information page.
For information on the current situation in Finland you can read from the Finnish Health Authorities.
If you feel unsure about your trip, please contact us before canceling. We will be able to reschedule your visit.
Airbnb has a policy regarding cancellations and refunds regarding COVID-19.
What we are doing
We always follow the guidelines and recommendations of local authorities.
The same safety information and instructions are shared with all who are entering the property.
We have increased cleaning and hygiene protocols.
We disinfect all exposed surfaces such as door handles with anti-bacterial liquids after every visit.
We have a minimum of 24h cleaning period between stays at the cabin.
We offer disinfectant, single-use gloves and face masks for our guests (depending on availability).
We have set procedures for what to do in possible cases of Corona infections.
What you can do
Wash your hands frequently and always after visits off-property.
Have hand disinfectant ready with you.
If possible, bring disinfectant, single-use gloves and face masks with you.
Avoid crowded places and close contact with groups.
Keep a safety distance of 2 meters and avoid unnecessary hand contact with other people.
Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose.
Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing, dispose of the tissue and wash your hands immediately afterwards.
Keep away from coughing or sneezing persons.
If having any flue symptoms do not visit public spaces and see instructions below.
If you suspect you might have COVID-19 During your stay
If your travel insurance includes medical insurance, please contact the health provider mentioned in the policy first for advice. Otherwise call Muonio municipality health care centre 040 703 1147 (between 8.00-16.00) and 040 714 2845 (between 16.00-21.00) for further instructions. Contact us by phone or whatsapp (+358 41 466 0309) so we can take required steps to ensure the best assistance for you and the safety of others.